There is so much going on in our communities.
With everything going on, it seems many have lost a sense of how to communicate or debate without completely demonizing whoever they disagree with. This is a huge bummer for me, as someone who is always trying to engage with others and to encourage our readers to be a part of the debate. Please remember through all of this, no matter what, to be yourself.
Yes, there are those who will attack you and in some cases even get ugly. Even people you are in relationship with might get a little pissy. We cannot remain silent. And it’s pretty simple to express ourselves without being judgmental or unkind to others. Also, there is no shortage of opportunities to speak out against something that horrifies and speak up for something that we wholeheartedly support.
Turn to politics. It’s vital that we are involved and if we remain silent people who do not value what we value could get elected. Get involved.
With veganism and animal rights there are opinions all over the place as to what that means. If you don’t think promoting cage free eggs or humane meat helps animals who are suffering right now, then say something. If you’ve made a vegan recipe that blew your mind, share it. Support a group that fights for what you believe in and don’t be afraid to speak out for what you believe in. There are so many voices out there, and a lot of noise, so make sure yours is part of that!
Be yourself. Wear a t-shirt that promotes your beliefs. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Promote a link on your social media. Make a donation to a non-profit that matches your values.
The most important thing to me personally is that when you do all of this, do it with kindness, compassion and love. Remember that, especially when expressing your opinions on animal rights and animal cruelty, that you may be the only voice that a suffering animal has. There are times when disrupting and being loud are necessary, but when expressing yourself to people you know and during your day to day life, kindness prevails.
Thank you for reading!
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