I started our garden back in January/February after deciding to finally dig up some of our back yard and grow our own food. We built two boxes and then planted several veggies, both by seed and by seedling.
We’re not new to gardening. Mike had an awesome garden for us back in Colorado. We just were slow to doing the same here.
I’m happy to report that in the last month we have harvested Swiss chard, kale, tomatoes, zucchini, bok choy and potatoes! It’s super exciting for me and our garden is getting close to having produced more food (if we had bought it) than what we put into it financially to get it going.
It’s an ongoing process for me. Just this week I planted more tomatoes and some cucumbers. It’s also a process where I am constantly learning. Our first planting of bok choy rocked, the second one not so much. What I learned is that bok choy does better when it is cooler, not so well in day-long heat.
A few weeks ago I planted melon and watermelon, and fortunately all of it has taken as is growing.
Super grateful to all of you who continually teach me about gardening. There are great groups on Facebook and rooms on Clubhouse where I learn a lot.
More to come. Oh, this is what the garden looked like in it’s early times.
Thank you for reading!
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