It’s been four years since my last half marathon, five years since my first. I remember the day well. Well, the day of the run and the day I decided to do the run. My nonprofit was fundraising through the Colfax Marathon in Denver and I came home telling Mike that it would be great for us to run and fundraise for the half marathon portion. Neither of us had ever run nearly that far (13.1 miles) yet we decided to go for it. I was 47.
Two months later we crossed the finish line. I loved everything about it. I felt super healthy training for the run and I was honestly shocked that I finished.
In three weeks I hope to cross another finish line, this one for the Encinitas Half Marathon in Encinitas, CA. The route of the race is what drew me to this one, with most of the race being along the Pacific ocean. I know the area well, one of our favorite spots in southern California, and I can’t wait to run.
The day of the race I will be 52. Training this time has not been as easy mainly because my life seems to be busier than last time and training takes time. I recently finished a ten mile training run so I am definitely getting close. And to say that I am excited is an understatement. I am super stoked.
One of the great things about training is that there are so many people out there who inspire me. They send encouraging notes and share advice. My training runs are at the LA Arboretum and the morning walkers have gotten used to seeing me several times, offering waves and thumbs up as I run by. And I feel good. I feel good, both physically and mentally.
To all of you out there who have supported me in any way, thank you. To anyone thinking about training for a run, it’s definitely an experience that will add to your life. It has added so much to mine. There is a of support online, especially in the vegan community. I will let you know how it goes!
Thanks for reading!

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