I know there is a lot going on in the world. And something that has been happening the last few days that you may not know about are huge protests in Colombia. From Barranquilla to Cali, from Santa Marta to Bogotá, and in many cities in between, hundreds of thousands are protesting the current president and new tax laws he wants to put in place. The protests are part of a national strike.
I won’t begin to pretend that I know a lot about this, but I do want you to know that Colombia has been in my heart since living in Santa Marta in the 80’s. I have many people there I love and it’s because of the Colombian people that I fell in love with Latin America and the Spanish language.
Please check out what is happening, and see the bravery of the protesters. Dozens of protestors have been killed, and hundreds arrested. I have been following this on Twitter and have seen many posts of people searching for their loved ones who have not been seen since being arrested.
If you’re on social media the hash tags you can search are #ColombiaResiste and #ColombiaEnDictadura
Thank you for reading!
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