Long week for me. Each day was exhausting as I gave it my all at my day job. Mike and I also thought a lot about our sweet Suga who we lost one year ago this week.
Some weeks I barely have enough energy to do everything I need to do.
And yet I still need to take actions to resist. This week the US House passed a bill that will eviscerate our current health care law that many call Obamacare. So many things wrong with their bill and I have just begun investigating it.
We have to be a voice for those most effected by this bill. We have to ensure every US House representative who voted for this bill hears from those of us opposed to it. Join the nearest Indivisible group. On social media follow people like Deray McKesson and any groups forming to support the Resistance.
Nancy Pelosi said after the House vote on healthcare that those Republicans who voted for it are doomed in ’18. I disagree with her. They are only doomed if we continue to act and resist.
Thanks for reading. And to all of you in the Resistance, all of you who rock it every day for your family, loved ones and community, and then do even more to resist, thank you.

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