The Gay Vegans

Support Ukraine (updated)

“I am just utterly sick of seeing western leaders say that Russia WILL pay a heavy price for it’s war. When does this mystical, unspecified moment in the future come? How many deaths and missiles later?” Ukrainian journalist Anastasiia Lapatina

As I watch the death count rise in Ukraine, I’m trying to do whatever I can do spread the word in support of Ukraine.

The main thing I am doing is sharing news from there that I see on social media posted from Ukrainian government officials and Ukrainian press.

A couple sources I am following on Twitter and the GoFundMe link for the Kyiv Independent:

The Kyiv Independent

Support their GoFund Me!

Illia Ponomarenko

I also think we have to call out all of the Republican politicians supporting Russia and this invasion. Just yesterday the former president spoke in support of Russia, at a fundraiser attended by Senate candidates from Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina. The Republicans supporting Russia are no surprise, and are playing right into the Russian playbook.

Meanwhile, I keep thinking of Ukrainians as they face brutality and an attempt to rip their freedom away.

Thanks for reading.


About Dan Hanley

Gay and vegan in the burbs (of Los Angeles). I blog about veganism, equality, compassion, activism, politics, spirituality, and our awesome life experiences. The "s" includes my husband, Mike! I want this blog to be a tool to build bridges among communities and to inspire people to get involved and vote.

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