The Gay Vegans

Support your favorite vegan food spot

Since the pandemic began, we have tried as best we can to financially support businesses that are important to us. Most of those on this list are places we eat at, ones that add delicious food and kind service to our lives.

One of those places is our local coffee house, Grey & Cash (pictured above). You may know this place as I’ve written about them before. Not only are they always delighting us with delish vegan options, the owner and team are super kind and rock with hospitality. Fortunately they are doing OK these days.

But not all food and beverage establishments are doing as well. In fact last week we heard the incredibly sad news of one of our favorite places closing. We haveĀ  along history with the owners as they have been feeding us for years, long before the restaurant opened. Difficult times just kept hitting them, and they had to make that awful decision to close.

Not all of us are in a position to support our favorite establishments, but if you are, remember them and that they need you. They may even need you now more than ever. Order food to go or promote them on your social media. Every little bit of support helps them, and means they have a better chance at survival.

Enjoy your meal. And thanks for reading!


About Dan Hanley

Gay and vegan in the burbs (of Los Angeles). I blog about veganism, equality, compassion, activism, politics, spirituality, and our awesome life experiences. The "s" includes my husband, Mike! I want this blog to be a tool to build bridges among communities and to inspire people to get involved and vote.

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