As I ecstatically watch the number of vegans grow substantially, I see all kinds of people deciding to go vegan for a variety of reasons. I love that, and thought it was a good time to put out there again why I am vegan.
Simply put, I want to have as little to do with animal cruelty as possible. Being vegan doesn’t mean I am not 100% complicit in cruelty, it just means to me that I do everything I can do to be as least complicit in cruelty as possible.
After 21 years of being vegan, I’ve learned a lot. A few simple thoughts I have held onto are:
Pepsi and potato chips are vegan.
I can spend $50 for dinner at a vegan restaurant or $10 (or less) at home.
I’m not going to agree with or get along with every vegan. There has to be more than veganism for that to happen.
I don’t settle for fitting in. I want to belong.
I have so much more to learn about veganism and nutrition. (I have a couple of links on the Helpful Websites page to people I learn from regarding nutrition)
The world wide web is chock full of recipes, action alerts, restaurant reviews, vegfests, animal sanctuaries, activism sites,potlucks, meetups, speakers and vegan products.
Veganism is not easy for everyone.
And, as the day I went vegan, billions of living beings suffer every year just for someone’s taste buds.
By the way, the photo above is from Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary.
Thanks for reading.
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