I am super excited to let you all know that we started our backyard garden!
If you are connected with us on Instagram or Twitter you can see the video I made about our garden.
It’s something we have put off for a few years, and it feels so good to have started it. In Colorado we had an awesome garden that Mike created, one that not only fed us but our neighbors as well.
I started the process by digging up a small part of our back yard and spending about a month cultivating the soil and adding peat and garden soil. After the dirt seemed good we builtĀ a couple of boxes, then added some more good dirt.
And then this weekend we planted some seedlings along with seeds.
It’s all very exciting.
So far we have planted tomatoes, kale, dinosaur kale, broccoli, spinach, red peppers, bok choy and basil.
As people super passionate about food justice, we’re both happy to be growing our own food.
What are you growing? Any tips for me?
Thanks for reading.
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