The Gay Vegans

Your Favorite Vegan Restaurant Needs You

We had friends from Denver come and visit us this week.

We all talked about vegan restaurants closing while having dinner at one of our favorite restaurants (The Happy Buddha). Apparently, this is just not happening in the Los Angeles area.

I am one of those who is saddened when a vegan restaurant closes. I typically think, “I should have gone there more often.” Of course, it’s too late to support them as I usually don’t know they were having problems until long after they closed. That doesn’t mean I can’t be helpful to other restaurants.

The restaurants I’m talking about are those doing all the right things to stay open. They serve delicious vegan food. They take care of customers and they offer wonderful service. All of that and they still can’t make it. I get it. It’s a tough world, the restaurant world.

There are also vegan restaurants that aren’t doing a great job with food and/or customer service. I’ve been at restaurants where I just would never want to go back because the service was awful. Just because you’re a vegan restaurant doesn’t mean I’m going to support you. You have to treat me well as a customer.

But for those like I mentioned above, I want you to succeed. Not only for us to have a wonderful place to dine, but for the animals. After all, I am vegan for the animals, and vegan restaurants that excel in food quality and service do justice for the animals. They give veganism and vegan food a good look and taste. We need more of that.

So, swing by your favorite vegan restaurant and have a meal. If there are none around you, do the same for your favorite vegan-friendly restaurant.

They need us. And our vegan world is better with them as part of it.

Go vegan. Be kind. Vote.


About Dan Hanley

Gay and vegan in the burbs (of Los Angeles). I blog about veganism, equality, compassion, activism, politics, spirituality, and our awesome life experiences. The "s" includes my husband, Mike! I want this blog to be a tool to build bridges among communities and to inspire people to get involved and vote.

1 comment

  1. Lisa Wilson says:

    So true!! The vegan restaurants are always so fabulous and friendly, it’s awful to see them close! I just saw that Modern Love in Omaha is closing.. it’s one of the best in the nation!

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