This is a series of several blog posts I am writing regarding poverty.
There is no where better to start than right here where we live.
When we moved to Los Angeles in July of 2015 I took my time looking for a job and in August landed the perfect one. My past job in Denver was fundraising for an agency that serves youth experiencing homelessness and this new one is fundraising for an agency that serves neglected and abused children in the LA County foster care system.
I immediately jumped into learning about the children my new agency serves and the numbers are stark. One word that came up right away was the word poverty.
1 in 5 children in LA County live in poverty. This number blows my mind. No matter what type of activism you are involved with, this crazy poverty rate affects you. From hunger to homelessness to violence to liberation and economic inequality, it’s even more difficult to find even a small success when poverty, and in many cases extreme poverty, is part of the problem.
Welcome to this journey into exploring poverty. I’d be thrilled if you joined me. What is the child/poverty rate where you live? What does poverty look like within your activism? How does poverty affect how we engage around veganism, liberation, animal rights and politics?
Thank you for reading. And thank you for all you do to make the world a better place for all living beings.
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