The videos always strike me. Animals headed for slaughter in a truck are seen exhausted, overheated, with big eyes. Some show fear, others enjoy a drop of water or a loving scratch. Within hours all of the pigs will be slaughtered and on their way to becoming bacon. I’m very[…]
Poverty in LA
I love Los Angeles. Just over one year living here and I am so happy we made the move. My main reason that I love it hear is access to the beach and surf. So many options. Our favorite spot has become Zuma Beach in Malibu, an hour form where[…]
Living our dream
I wanted to share this photo of Torrey Pines State Beach because this is our favorite southern California beach. There are a lot of them! In July of 2015 we decided to take a big risk and leave our amazing home and wonderful jobs and make the move to Los[…]
Don’t redefine vegan
I recently read something from an animal activist that struck me, and have been thinking about it a lot since then. They were referring to someone questioning a well-known person’s veganism, saying that the person said they eat fish. The activists response, in supporting the person calling themselves vegan, was[…]