I am super excited to let you all know that we started our backyard garden! If you are connected with us on Instagram or Twitter you can see the video I made about our garden. It’s something we have put off for a few years, and it feels so good[…]
Run for office
It’s been a wild few weeks both in our world and in my world, and while taking breaks from work (fortunately I’ve been super busy) I have had time to read a lot of people’s opinions on social media. So many opinions. Some of these opinions seem to be self-righteous,[…]
25 years vegan
I suppose if you stay vegan and don’t die, you add up years of being vegan. This month I celebrate 25 years being vegan. My reason in going vegan was all about animal cruelty and animal exploitation. I no loner wanted to participate in that. Even though I constantly talked[…]