We all want to make the world a better and safer place. Some of us can be quite philanthropic, donating to many organizations. Others may have a handful they support, with donations that are large to us, but may not seem large to others (although our donation is meaningful to[…]
The Violence on My Plate
I have always loved animals. Even before becoming vegan, I would often say that I love animals, even though I really meant just dogs. I mean, I never wanted to harm animals. I would never go out of my way to inflict pain or suffering on any animal. But I[…]
The Gay Vegans – Growing our own food
We have been fortunate to have space for a garden where we live most of the the places we’ve lived. When we were looking for a home in southern California, space to grow food was a high priority. Being able to grow food year-round has been wonderful. I’m still learning[…]