The Gay Vegans

3 easy actions to fight animal cruelty

The world is a crazy place.

Seeing hate, bigotry, racism, and ugliness every day isn’t easy. For those having to experience those things every day, it’s much worse.

And still, as I work to make the world better and safer for humans, I can’t forget to take time to work against animal cruelty.

Being vegan helps. I seldom think that’s enough, even on days where for me it just has to be.

There’s simple things we can do, small actions that can mean a lot. For me it starts with telling people why I’m vegan.

It’s for the animals. I simply don’t want to participate in everything that has to happen to an animal, everything they must unwillingly go through, to become a meal. I realize being vegan isn’t a cure all for animal cruelty, but it sure is a great start.

After all, the best thing we can do for animals is to not eat them.

People really want to know why I chose to become vegan. Many times after the discussion they will let me know that they went vegan for a meal, a day, or even a week! Always wonderful news.

Cooking for people can also be an easy action, especially if you like to eat, and cook! We have friends over for dinner all of the time. Serving delicious vegan food helps people look at veganism as something they could do. They may even ask you for recipes to help them get started in cooking vegan dishes.

Lastly, remind people how easy it is to be vegan. I share this a lot. After 27 years vegan, it sure is easy. I don’t really remember another way of living.

The more we share our lives and our food with people, the more they have an opportunity to consider veganism, even if it isn’t being vegan all of the time, right now. Every vegan meal supports the fight against animal cruelty.

Thanks for reading!

About Dan Hanley

Gay and vegan in the burbs (of Los Angeles). I blog about veganism, equality, compassion, activism, politics, spirituality, and our awesome life experiences. The "s" includes my husband, Mike! I want this blog to be a tool to build bridges among communities and to inspire people to get involved and vote.

1 comment

  1. Lee Hiller says:

    Your joy in the beauty of veganism always feels like a blessing

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