It’s difficult to believe that I’ve been vegan for 26 years. From my earliest days to now, this simple idea around a delish, nutritious, and cost-effective vegan meal has been a big part of my cooking life.
Before I share the recipe ideas, keep in mind that you, the person making the meal, can play around with this idea in many ways. You want salt? Add it. You feel you need more protein or more turmeric? Add them. I have added so many spices and additions I can’t keep track of them.
Here you go:
Prepare some rice. Whatever kind you want.
In a skillet, add your favorite green (like spinach, kale, etc.) with a little olive oil. Then add some spices/flavors. This can be as simple as salt and pepper. Medium heat.
Next, add to the sklillet a can of your favorite bean. Mine is a can of black beans. But again, use whichever you like.
Next step is to either add the prepared rice and mix it all up (my favorite), or place some rice on a plate and then pour the greens/beans mixture on top.
If you don’t want to eat rice, you can simply forgo it.
There you go. Lots of deliciousness, and nutrition.
To recap: rice (or not), green of your choice (broccoli, collard greens, kale, spinach, Swiss chard, etc.), and beans of your choice. Add spices.
Per serving this would cost about $3.00 depending on how many greens you add and which type of rice you choose. The price also depends on where you shop, or where you can shop.
Give it a try. Play around with spices and beans.
Thanks for reading!
1 comment
Well, now I’m hungry! Love this! Thanks for sharing!