The Gay Vegans

Are you now convinced that we have to vote?

I watched the newest Republican candidate for Speaker talking with reporters. One asked about his work against the 2020 elections results and the reporter was heckled and booed.

By elected congress members.


School boards and city councils are becoming homes for right wingers, even here in so-called progressive and free California. Check out Chino, Temecula, and Murietta. Even Huntington Beach!

Anti-LGBTQ, anti-women, anti-freedom, book bans, and so much more.

Have we seen enough? We know who these people are, what they do, and don’t do, when they have power.

Too many of us are being silent.

And we still have too many of us who don’t vote, or particpate in politics and elections.

Please get involved. As crazy and scary the national Republican leadership is, definitely pay attention locally. I’m happy to see recall efforts in Temecula and other cities.

The Republicans are not going to change. They have told us time and time again who they are.

Please vote. Please get involved.

About Dan Hanley

Gay and vegan in the burbs (of Los Angeles). I blog about veganism, equality, compassion, activism, politics, spirituality, and our awesome life experiences. The "s" includes my husband, Mike! I want this blog to be a tool to build bridges among communities and to inspire people to get involved and vote.

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