On March 9th I’ll be heading south to Anaheim to Expo West for a couple of days.
If you’ve never heard of this five day annual conference focused on anything that has to do with natural foods and natural products, click here for the conference website.
I will be attending for the third time. As a blogger, I attend for a couple of reasons. First, to explore everything new around vegan foods and products. If something is out there, it will be at Expo West. Second, I go to interview companies whose products I purchase about transgender policies, LGBTQ issues, human rights issues and how their employment policies treat those who identify as LGBTQ.
If you’re going to Expo West, please let me know. I love meeting people from all over, especially other bloggers and activists.
If you know of a new product/company that I should check out at Expo West, let me know!
If you want to follow my escapades and eating adventures during Expo West, follow me on Twitter @thegayvegans
Thanks for reading!

Are you attending this year (2022)?
I am not. Next year!
Hi Dan & Mike,
I hope this email finds you both well. I wanted to personally reach out to schedule a time slot for you two to meet Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Bitz from the youtheory team at Expo West! Learn about and sample some of youtheory’s bestselling products as well as their latest innovations.
The youtheory team will be located at booth 1854 from March 10-12, 2017.
If this is of interest to you both, please follow up and let me know the best date and time that work. I look forward to hearing back!
Very best,
Karina Farris | Media Relations
310 395 5050 O