It’s been difficult at best to keep up with everything going on in the world this past week. Every day it seems that there are new edicts from President Trump, most of which I oppose, which are only added to the cabinet nominations I oppose.
To keep this post quick, one action item that is simple, takes very little time, and is effective, is to connect with your US Representative and your two US Senators. Call them. Tell them what you think. This can be especially helpful with the current cabinet nominations. Even though your US Representative does not have a vote, they might be able to pass along large amounts of opinions to your US Senator.
I put all of these peoples phone numbers into my phone address book.
This can be effective especially if you live in states where one or both of your US Senators are Republican. For example, I am opposed to Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education and Jeff Sessions as Secretary of State. Getting just a few Republicans to vote against these two would give the votes needed to vote them down.
The US Capital Switchboard is 202.224.3121. Call and ask for your Rep or Senator.
Actions are working, if nothing more to bring more attention to what is happening. Just this weekend protests erupted at airports around the country, making the new policy of not allowing citizens of seven countries into the US a lead story in many newscasts.
One other action item that has been super helpful to me is the Resistance Manual that I heard of from activist Deray McKesson. Check it out here.
More to come. We have the power.
Thank you for reading!

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