This post is specifically to the people of Mexico affected by the earthquake. I have had a love for Mexico and her people almost all of my life. That love catapulted yesterday as I watched hundreds of people, probably thousands, leave their homes and jobs to stand in line to[…]
Vegan for the animals: some thoughts
As I ecstatically watch the number of vegans grow substantially, I see all kinds of people deciding to go vegan for a variety of reasons. I love that, and thought it was a good time to put out there again why I am vegan. Simply put, I want to have[…]
Easy home cooking vegan style
The idea of cooking meals at home rather than going out to eat could be met with a simple “of course” from some while being completely foreign to others. And to clarify, cooking in this post means actually cooking, not putting something frozen into a microwave. I have a long[…]