First, anything my husband made! And a very distant second is… Let me first say that this post is really about one dish/food item. I apologize if the title led you to believe there would be a list. I tried to write a title that wouldn’t be a tease for[…]
Support your favorite vegan food spot
Since the pandemic began, we have tried as best we can to financially support businesses that are important to us. Most of those on this list are places we eat at, ones that add delicious food and kind service to our lives. One of those places is our local coffee[…]
Mike’s cinnamon rolls
I posted a photo of these on Instagram and got requests for the recipe. So here you go! I have to say that these cinnamon rolls are so amazingly delish! I love them! They will blow your mind, and many people will not be able to believe that they are[…]
Vote, and vote in every race
Nothing new here. I’m encouraging you to vote. If you can vote now, do it. Once you’ve voted encourage others to do the same. I love voting on election day. I’ve done it almost every chance I get. Yet this time I dropped of my ballot in a ballot box[…]
Bok choy and kohlrabi, oh my!
In the past week or so I realize that most of my social media for our blog has been centered on politics. As important as the November election is, and all of the work leading up to, I decided to take a short break from that and share with you[…]