I wanted to share this photo of Torrey Pines State Beach because this is our favorite southern California beach. There are a lot of them! In July of 2015 we decided to take a big risk and leave our amazing home and wonderful jobs and make the move to Los[…]
Be yourself!
There is so much going on in our communities. With everything going on, it seems many have lost a sense of how to communicate or debate without completely demonizing whoever they disagree with. This is a huge bummer for me, as someone who is always trying to engage with others[…]
The war against Bangladeshi bloggers
With Bangladesh in the news due to the horrific terrorist attack, I wanted to take a moment to write about the terrorist campaign against bloggers in Bangladesh. Rajib Haider, Nazimuddin Samad and Abhijit Roy are just three of many bloggers, including gay rights activist Xulhaz Mannan and Mahbub Tonoy, who[…]
In Memory: David Gilkey and Zabihulla Tamanna
David Gilkey, an NPR journalist and NPR’s Afghan interpreter Zabihulla Tamanna were killed this past Sunday in Helmand Province, Afganistan. Sending big love to their families and co-workers, and others that loved them. I am always grateful for all journalists and bloggers whose lives are put on the line due[…]
Expo West and the Natural Foods industry
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