Long week for me. Each day was exhausting as I gave it my all at my day job. Mike and I also thought a lot about our sweet Suga who we lost one year ago this week. Some weeks I barely have enough energy to do everything I need to[…]

Long week for me. Each day was exhausting as I gave it my all at my day job. Mike and I also thought a lot about our sweet Suga who we lost one year ago this week. Some weeks I barely have enough energy to do everything I need to[…]
Mike and I have been in the LA area for almost two years now. Recently we bought our new home, and we are beyond stoked. We landed in the amazing town of Monrovia, about thirty minutes northeast of downtown LA. We knew nothing of Monrovia before moving here, and we[…]
At 47 I ran my first half-marathon. I remember feeling like I was in the best health ever while training and then successfully completing the run. I loved the whole process so much that I did a second half-marathon the following year. For those of you who were reading my[…]
This isn’t a post about life, or living life to the fullest. It’s a simple post about remembering (or being reminded) that life is short. It goes by super fast. Some days I can’t believe I am 51. And while so much is going on in the world and every[…]
I’m ecstatic to be at Expo West in Anaheim, CA, what I think is the largest natural foods conference in the world. It’s only Day 1 and I am already tired! I have heard from many of our readers that they vote with their dollars. I am keeping that in[…]