It will be no surprise that I let you know that we have been protesting the president-elect and many of his nominees for his cabinet. We have also been protesting Mike Pence and his fellow religious extremists in Congress who are focused on big changes in education, healthcare, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights and the environment.
When I write about protest I’d like to remind you that I am one of those who still believes in nonviolent protest. It’s the only way for me and it’s what I suggest when communicating with those who read my blog.
I bring this up not only because of the MLK holiday, but because I see more and more protesters embracing violence. My most recent thought came from seeing a photo of looters who were part of the gasoline protests in Mexico. They weren’t looting gasoline or food or other necessities. They were grabbing “stuff”. Destroying someones small store and taking “stuff”.
Other violence I have seen has been among protesters themselves. Starting to fight because their words seemed not enough during their disagreement.
As with everything for me, I focus on what I can do and what is right for me, without saying that what others is doing is totally messed up. On many levels I understand violence, and for me I am a more effective activist without violence.
There are many ways to protest nonviolently. Gandhi and King showed us great, effective examples. I like to call truth to power. I like to find solid, truthful facts and share them with people I know give a shit about whatever topic those facts relate to. I like to write blog posts, engage politicians on social media, make phone calls to politicians to share my opinion on issues and upcoming legislation, attend protests, and donate to organizations fighting the good fight.
While doing what I can to protest, resist and disrupt, I try to keep in my mind those I am taking these actions for: refugees; immigrants; the millions of animals being tortured and living in fear just to become dinner; the gay guy sitting in a Tunisian jail cell; people living in extreme poverty who many times experience no real justice; my trans siblings who could encounter violence at any moment and out of nowhere; any person who needs to go to a community health clinic because it is their only option; any child who is growing up disenfranchised, abused, living in fear. Are my actions benefiting them or adding a negative perspective on them?
As a blogger with a blog called The Gay Vegans, I’m used to all types of “feedback”. I am open to yours and open to always engaging in conversation around how the collective “we” can work towards liberation, equality and justice. I am equally open to always trying to build bridges among communities that may seem completely separate.
Thanks very much for reading.

1 comment
Gandhi and King were excellent examples of nonviolent heroes. It takes persistence and a plethora of nonviolent tactics to achieve a just result.