I’ve been pretty fortunate to have been able to spend time in San Diego these past couple of months. Being there reminds me how much I love it, and that I could probably share a few more favorites with you. Last summer Mike and I found NOW Sushi, in Pacific[…]
Food Review
Restaurant review: Millie’s!
Unbelievable. That’s what I thought the first time I went to Millie’s. I was meeting a client for breakfast, unplanned as the coffee house we were going to meet at didn’t work out. “I think they do” replied my client when I asked about vegan options, which usually means oatmeal[…]
Have you been to Wolfie’s?
Mike and I had some free time over the holidays and decided to make a trip to one of our favorites, Donut Friend, in Highland Park. After expressing our love to the staff and leaving with a nice supply of deliciousness, we looked on our phones for a close vegan[…]
We love Spotless Burgers!
This post may not mean a lot to you if you don’t live in or near the San Gabriel Valley, and I promise I’m not writing this to tease you! Even if you can’t swing by a Spotless Burgers today, you at least get to know that vegan chains are[…]
My favorite breakfast recipe
Pancakes. My favorite breakfast recipe is for pancakes, and the recipe is from cookbook author and restaurant owner Isa Chandra Moskowitz. It’s her Puffy Pillow Pancakes! This won’t be a surprise for those of you connected with us on social media, or who have spent time on our website. Under[…]