This post may not mean a lot to you if you don’t live in or near the San Gabriel Valley, and I promise I’m not writing this to tease you! Even if you can’t swing by a Spotless Burgers today, you at least get to know that vegan chains are[…]

This post may not mean a lot to you if you don’t live in or near the San Gabriel Valley, and I promise I’m not writing this to tease you! Even if you can’t swing by a Spotless Burgers today, you at least get to know that vegan chains are[…]
Pancakes. My favorite breakfast recipe is for pancakes, and the recipe is from cookbook author and restaurant owner Isa Chandra Moskowitz. It’s her Puffy Pillow Pancakes! This won’t be a surprise for those of you connected with us on social media, or who have spent time on our website. Under[…]
#GivingTuesday is Tuesday, November 30th. It’s basically a chance to promote donating to nonprofits after T-day, Black Friday, Small business Saturday and Cyber Monday. With all of that eating and spending, surely there has to be room for your favorite nonprofit. By the way, your favorite nonprofit still needs you![…]
No surprise. I’ve written about this before, and after another trip to Tijuana for work and to volunteer at the border serving refugees, I simply have to share about this most delicious of dishes. Yes, the pambazo at Soy Veggie Ruros in Tijuana. Pambazo is a Mexican dish made with[…]
September 14th is a big day here in California. It’s the date of the recall election against our governor, Gavin Newsom. We already have received our mail-in ballots. Early in-person voting begins today! I write a lot about voting, about registering to vote, and the importance of voting. Please vote[…]