It’s been difficult at best to keep up with everything going on in the world this past week. Every day it seems that there are new edicts from President Trump, most of which I oppose, which are only added to the cabinet nominations I oppose. To keep this post quick,[…]
Nonviolent resistance
It will be no surprise that I let you know that we have been protesting the president-elect and many of his nominees for his cabinet. We have also been protesting Mike Pence and his fellow religious extremists in Congress who are focused on big changes in education, healthcare, women’s rights,[…]
Resistance and Obstruction
There have been enough thoughts expressed about the Presidential election results here in the US. I of course have my own opinions, and while thinking about how I would approach my first blog post since the election I decided to write about what I and we can do today rather[…]
Vote them out
Voting has begun around the country, and Mike and I are excited to go cast our ballots at an early voting station in LA later today. As the daily news of Clinton vs. Trump makes the headlines, I have also been noticing articles about statements from Republicans in the House[…]
My gay vegan road trip and the election
I am on vacation traveling around the country visiting family and friends. And eating amazing food wherever I go. I am traveling alone as Mike can’t take off during the school year. I sure do miss him. This is the longest I have been without him! Meanwhile, there is an[…]